Recent Brazilian Social Movements

The 2013-2014 protests in Brazil are ongoing public demonstrations in several Brazilian cities in response to the 2014 FIFA World Cup and other social issues. The World Cup went really well, but there still a lot of social demands from Brazilians. It is not clear at all what are the demands for specifically, because they are really asking for  lot of improvements in social policies. There are demands such as:

  • Reduction in the prices of public transport (Metro, Train and Bus)
  • Destination of petroleum royalties to education (75%) and Health (25%)
  • The end of Secret vote in Congress for forfeiture of office
  • National Pact to improve education, health, public transport
  • Implementation of federal plebiscite to politic reform in the country
  • National Pact for fiscal responsibility and control of inflation
  • Destination of 10% of the Brazilian GDP to education

To explore more about the impact of this specific social movement in Brazil, there is not clear which demand people are fighting for. Some of these claims are being studying or even implemented by the Brazilian Government. For example, one of the demands is “Destination of 10% of the Brazilian GDP to Education”. Government just approved this demand as a way to fit people demand in order to respond to the social tensions. But, this approval will not necessary improve Education. A lot of specialists are pointing out that the increase in the money for Education will never make it down to schools. Moreover, there are more money and consequently, more space for corruption. Furthermore, Brazil needs more management in Education and not more money.

In a nutshell, social movements cannot considered good at all. There can be bad results in the short term and the long term. There is a difference between a politic decision and a policy decision made by the Federal Government. Probably, this decision will not make a difference in the Education. Actually, it can even have negative impacts in the Brazilian Education System.

Click to see some of the 2013 protests in Brazil or 2014 protests in Brazil .


Rio-de-Janeiro-protest-main download images (1) Graffiti painted by Brazilian street artist

Brazilian Social Movements – History

In Brazil, the social movements have been focused in politics. The Social Movement of “Caras Pintadas” in 1992 was really powerful and actually result on the President Fernando Collor Impechment. Here are some photos of the movement in 1992:

passeata Cara_pintadas images

Well, it is important to point out that Fernando Color, the President who suffered impeachment, is now a Brazilian Senator…

You can check it out here the history of the social movement in Brazil.

Education Systems in Pursuit of Equity

Equity. Why we pursue equity in Education if we are so diverse individuals? Differen demands and needs. Different race, color, age. Different backgroud. Different stories and experiences. Different DNA combinations. Different dreams. Different perspectives. All different. That’s the only equity between us.

Talking about equality in Brazil in really hard. We are all mixed, not only culturally, but also the country was born as a mix of different races: indians, Portugueses, Holands, Italians, Africans, Germans, Asians… Brazil is so unequal, but I prefer the word diverse.

As the tendency of income inequality is reducing, it is still considered high. In 2009 Brazil scored 0.557 in the Gini Index, which placed it as the world’s tenth most unequal nation. In 2012, the Gini coefficient for Brazil was 0.519, according to the CIA World Factbook.

Because of the Bolsa Familia, Brazil have been working in reducing this unequality for 10 years now. It was not only a policy to alleviate poverty, but also a policy to encourage kids to go to school and also keep the public health good. Parents who cannot send their children to school or fail to vaccinated them, are penalised with reduced payment.

And, actually, we did great. But the unequality is still high and there are a lot of work to do. This year, we will have Presidential Elections.

Brazil has an Educational System with public and private schools. Usually, the family who has enough money to pay a private school will make an effort to do that. Public schools are seen as bad quality places where families don’t want to send their kids. Bu sometimes, these schools are the only options.

Read the article below from Global Post to understand better the Brazilian situation. Even though you can feel hopeless, I’m really optimistic to help change my country.

Brazil’s ‘educational apartheid’ cements inequality early in life





Must try


It’s a berry fro Brazil and it is very famous there. People usually drink açaí smoothie mixed with another fruit (banana or strawberry) and put some guaraná to make it sweet. Some of them also eat wth granola. It is very healthy!

Açaí Fruit



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* I miss it a lot!

Must eat

Pão de Queijo (Cheese Bread)

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How to Make Pão de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread)

Makes approximately 2 dozen puffs

What You Need


1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups (10 ounces) tapioca flour or sour cassava flour
2 eggs
1 – 1 1/2 cups Parmesan cheese


2-quart saucepan
Long-handled spoon
Standing mixer with paddle attachment (or mixing bowl and elbow grease)


Preheat the oven to 450°F. Line a baking pan with parchment and set aside.

1. Boil the Milk and Oil: Combine the milk, oil, and salt in the saucepan, and whisking occasionally, bring it to a gentle boil over medium heat. Remove from heat as soon as you see big bubbles coming through the milk.

2. Add the Tapioca Flour: Add all of the tapioca flour to the saucepan and stir until you see no more dry tapioca flour. The dough will be grainy and gelatinous at this point.

3. Cool the Dough: Transfer the dough to the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. (Alternatively, you can do the next few steps by hand. Be prepared for a work-out.) Beat the dough for a few minutes at medium speed until it smooths out and has cooled enough that you can hold your finger against the dough for several seconds.

4. Beat in the Eggs: Whisk the eggs together in a small bowl. With the mixer on medium, beat the eggs into the dough in two additions. Wait until the first addition has been fully incorporated into the dough before adding the second. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed.

5. Beat in the Cheese: With the mixer on medium, beat in the cheese until fully incorporated. The resulting dough will be very sticky, stretchy, and soft with a consistency between cake batter and cooke dough.

6. Portion the Puffs: Using an ice cream scoop, a tablespoon measure, or a dinner spoon, scoop rounded portions of the dough into mounds on the parchment-lined baking sheet. Space the mounds an inch or two apart. Dip your scoop in water to prevent sticking.

7. Bake the Puffs: Transfer the sheet with the puffs to the oven and immediately turn down the heat to 350°F. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the puffs have puffed, the outsides are dry, and they are just starting to color. Cool briefly and eat. Leftover puffs can be kept in an airtight container for up to a week and re-crisped in a warm oven or toaster oven.


Finding Tapioca Flour: Sour cassava flour or sour tapioca flour can be tricky to find in the United States. Look for it at Latin American markets. Plain tapioca flour lacks the slight sour, fermented flavor, but makes a fine substitute. You can find plain tapioca flour from Bob’s Red Mill at most natural foods stores.


You can find Cheese Bread in NYC at Coffee Shop at 29 Union Square W, New York


Must drink – Caipirinha!!!


Brazil’s national cocktail is so refreshing and delicious! Ask your liquor store to order Cachaça for you if they don’t stock it. You can also use Vodka to make it! But Cachaça is the typical liquor Brazilians use.

Recipe: (Very easy!)


In a large rocks glass squeeze and drop in 2 eighths of lime. Add sugar, crush and mix with a spoon. Pour in the cachaca and plenty of ice. Stir well.

I would suggest trying with tangerines, watermelon, pineapple, passion fruit, grapes or strawberries. It is really delicious!



Brigadeiro is a simple Brazilian chocolate bonbon, created in the 1940s and named after Brigadier Eduardo Gomes, whose shape is reminiscent of that of some varieties of chocolate truffles. (I’m not sure if it is true!)






In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine cocoa, butter and condensed milk. Cook, stirring, until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let rest until cool enough to handle. Form into small balls and eat at once or chill until serving.
